Imagination, Creativity and Photography

April 20, 2021  •  Leave a Comment

06421C92-8972-40C1-9B99-16036C2CD02F06421C92-8972-40C1-9B99-16036C2CD02F I was happy in January when I was able to get my first vaccine and three weeks later to be fully vaccinated. Has it changed my life? Yes, it has; it gave me peace of mind that has allowed me to see my family for a weekend, have a few vaccinated friends over, and be comfortable living in a community that wears masks and follows the protocols. Learning how to use technology and work virtually has allowed me to still work with clients, and it can be as effective as face-to-face meetings. 

I love to learn. I take classes on various online platforms, and my current go-to is I learned another way of thinking about creativity, memories, and creating fiction with author Amy Tan. Her virtual modules and unique training style resonated with me. She gave me a new perspective on how writing and reality coincide with memories triggered by our thoughts and actions. One can use this knowledge and learning to write stories and books.

Currently, I am taking Science Fiction writer M.K. Jemisin class which has introduced me to very different concepts called world-building. Science fiction creates another world that can have an infrastructure, a physical world, and inhabitants.

Where does photography fit into our creativity and imagination? The result is a photograph that the photographer believes captures the perfect picture of a setting, time, and place. What the picture doesn't show is the process that taps into the photographer's mind. How do I see the clouds, the rays seeping through those clouds, the sun rising, the colors and changes that change by the minute? What does my mind see that the photograph can't express? I like the concept of world-building because it is what I have been doing. I take a picture that I believe is a perfect moment.  I cannot show in that photograph my mind and imagination of what I am seeing that gives me a sense of peace and joy. The natural gift of photography has allowed me to learn to be creative and imagine life in a way that my world never experienced before.



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