Carole J Pence Photography, LLC is a business that came to life during the 2020 pandemic. I began using social media to share some of the beauty and peace I experienced at twilight, dawn, and sunrise of Lake Superior in Marquette, Michigan. My mindset evolved from merely taking photographs to creating art.
Every day I get up with anticipation that the universe will provide me with some greater sense of meaning and insight into what is more significant than our lives and current existence. I ask God to show me that perfect picture so that I know everything is alright here on Earth and with the souls, I sense on the shores of Lake Superior. I capture the beauty in my images that touch people in ways that make them comment: breathtaking, majestic, beautiful; you nailed it, and please keep posting!
I woke up today filled with gratitude, hope, and love for all of you who have helped me be motivated to keep doing what I do. People are blessed knowing that despite a pandemic, we found new ways to cope and be healthy. I am grateful that my photographs touched so many lives these past three years. Thank you.