Lake Superior Beauty

December 28, 2021  •  Leave a Comment

263E8E03-1EE4-4B7A-8AB5-2E83080A4564263E8E03-1EE4-4B7A-8AB5-2E83080A4564 During the pandemic, my goal has been to share some of the universe's solitary beauty and let others get a glimpse of something unique throughout this challenging time. Lake Superior is extraordinary in that it has a rugged feeling that allows a person to experience calm and serene water that reflects beauty and light and the next day wild waves that crash on its shore. Both experiences are exhilarating. Its horizon can be cloudy for days in the winter, and then one morning bursts into color and beauty that only lasts for minutes and, on occasion, an hour. It changes as the sun begins to rise, and it's exciting to be able to experience and share these experiences on social media.

A lot happens over the year, and sometimes our different seasons seem to last a lot longer than others. The most extended season appears to be a winter-type experience for those living in Michigan. Winter, this year, seems to come and go, and cold wintery weather has not been our usual experience. It has been wonderful to have clear roads and no snow in many parts of our State for people traveling. The Upper Peninsula, where I live, has not had the usual amount of snow and snow-covered roads that we come to expect at this time of year.

As we close out 2021 I am fortunate to go back through my year of pictures and see the beauty created by the universe and reflected in my photographs. Photography allows me to capture and share the beauty of Lake Superior with people around the world.


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